Axis HR Solutions Inaugural NextGen M&A Event

Save the date! March 20, 2024. Axis HR Solutions presents NextGen M&A Crtitical Role in Driving aand Enhancing Deal Value

Axis HR Solutions presents NextGen M&A: HR’s Critical Role in Driving & Enhancing Deal Value

Continuing education credits for Legal, SHRM, and CPAs pending approval.

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Dec. 6, 2023) – Did you know that over 70% of mergers and acquisitions fail due to people-related issues? That’s why Axis HR Solutions is presenting its inaugural NextGen M&A event. The event will provide attendees with insights on how to successfully navigate a merger or acquisition and increase deal value.

Topics include The Importance of HR in M&A Due Diligence and HR Integration Processes, The use of non-competes in M&A, Integrating a Multi-Generational Workforce, Owner Exit Strategies and Financial Planning, and  Post-M&A Leadership Integration. Experts from all around the Lexington area in their field will be presenting, including Mike Newman from Axis HR Solutions, Matt Lockaby from Lockaby PLLC and Axis HR Solutions, Shirrod Le’Det from the Growth Coach, Marc Cobane from Alpha Financial Partners, and dynamic speaker Jay McChord.

The event will be held at the Embassy Suites Coldstream Campus on March 20, 2024. Room blocks are available for those who are traveling to the event and need one. Those who are interested in attending may register at Registration will include personal copies of presentation slides, networking opportunities, and lunch. Registrations on or before January 15, 2024, receive a discounted rate of $149. After January 15, 2024, registration will be available for $199.

If you are a business owner, HR professional, corporate lawyer, or interested in the financial, legal, or HR aspects of managing a merger or acquisition, consider attending this event for valuable insights from industry experts. Register today by visiting

Axis HR Solutions is an outsourced HR solutions and end-to-end M&A integration consulting firm. Our leadership has nearly 50 years of combined experience in labor and employment law, executive HR leadership, organizational development, and M&A due diligence and integration. Our leadership has successfully navigated more than 75 M&A transactions, half of which were cross-border.


If you would like more information about this event, please contact Grace Bandy by phone at  (859) 963-2331 or by email at

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